Friday 24 March 2017

Departure Lounge: Chad Taylor - 2006 ** 1/2

 Image result for departure lounge chad taylor

Departure Lounge is one of those very odd books that tries far too hard to be something it's not. I am all for Hard Boiled Crime, or Pulp Fiction, but this was just trying to be arty and as a result it made virtually no impact on me whatsoever. Added to which, the characters were jumping all over the place, the chapters were scattered backwards and forwards, and none of the people in the book were ironed out sufficiently. I read it until the end, begrudgingly picking it up because I felt I had to, and almost immediately I had blanked out the experience of reading it. None of the dirty, gritty and sweaty emotional rollarcoaster of a Hard boiled Lawrence Block novel was present, and that was exactly what the book was lacking.

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