Monday 29 August 2016

Death of An Avid Reader : Frances Brody - 2014 ****

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Kate Shackleton is a great character. Headstrong and intelligent, yet charming and funny, I'm glad that Frances Brody came up with such an interesting creation for her 'Death of A' series.
A lost daughter, a ghost in an old library and a basement with a mysterious secret are all topics that Miss Shackleton will have to address in this quirky detective novel set in 1920s.
Kate is great heroine, I loved her warmth and intellect. In this novel she is invited to visit Lady Coulton who is searching for her long lost daughter, given up to avoid her husband finding out the truth about her affair. At the same time, stories are becoming abundant about the local library, and the ghost of a dead librarian who haunted the location 40 years ago, and who is the body in the basement under a fallen bookcase? Great read, I finished it in just over a day.

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